Leaking water pipes Leak Detection Calgary

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Leak Detection & Individual metering in Calgary  

Mr. Mike’s Plumbing is the leader in metering the use of water in homes, businesses and other organizations. In the past we have assisted councils with metering parks and garden sprinkler systems to reduce sewerage disposal charges, and have placed large meters on sewerage outflows at one of the main universities to assist measure water displacement for costing purposes.

Detecting Leaks Domestic

A slowly dripping cold water tap loses about 5,000 litres of water over a three month period and adds unnecessary cost to your water account. Dripping taps can be observed and as a result action can be taken quickly to stop them. Wetness around taps and hot water systems can also be an indication of leaks in your plumbing system.

On the other hand, obscured leaks, such as those that occur underground and are caused by damaged or aging pipe work are harder to detect and can result in considerably larger losses.

Fortunately your water meter can be used to detect leaks around your home.

Because modern water meters display usage to as little as a tenth of a litre (100ml). Leaks can now be identified quickly, by following the simple steps below.

Think you have a leak? Here’s a quick and easy method to tell:

1. Know your dials
Make sure that you know what all the dials on the water meter measure How would I do this?

2. Turn off all taps
Ensure that all taps within the house and garden (not including the
stop-tap) are turned off, and that all water appliances, including toilets, dishwashers and washing machines, are NOT being used.

3. Is the wheel moving?
Examine the meter for a few minutes and note any movement in the
“tell-tale” wheel.

4. Take two readings
To determine the extent of a leak, take a start reading, wait 10 minutes, then take a final reading. Don’t forget to read all the dials.

5. What’s the difference? 
Subtract the start reading from the final reading. Be sure to write your answer in litres and not kilolitres. Multiply by six to determine the amount of litres lost per hour.

6. Fix the leak
If a leak is detected, arrange for a Mr. Mike’s Plumbing to locate and repair the leak by calling 1(403) 520-2040.


 Start reading:   1234, 567.8 litres
 Final reading:   1234, 574.8 litres
 Total usage:   7.0 litres x 6 = 42 litres/hour
42 x 24 = 1,008 litres/day
1,008 x 90= 90,720 litres/quarter billing period (approx)

In this example, at today’s average water rates, the dollar value of lost water is $533.31 per year!

What to do next.

If you suspect there is a leak underground, you should seek expert advice and call Mr. Mike’s Plumbing.

It is important that you become water wise and use less water. This means that there will be less need to build new reservoirs or tap further rivers. By using water wisely you not only save yourself money but also help to protect the environment.

How to read your meter – Residential customers.

The amount of water you use is measured by a water meter.

Where is my meter located?

Generally close to the front of your property, often just inside the
front fence.

In an emergency you can stop the flow of water to your house by turning off the stoptap – shown in the diagram below.

To calculate your property’s water usage, you need two key pieces of information from your bill:

  • your previous meter reading
  • your current meter reading.

How do I read my meter?

Residential customers are most likely to have one of the following types
of meters.

In this example each meter illustrated below shows a reading of
842.51 kilolitres.

Example 1







A Black numbers on a white background register kilolitres.

B White numbers on red background register hundreds of litres, tens of litres, litres & tenths of litres.

Example 2

Meter 2








A Black numbers on white background ( 5 digits ) register kilolitres

B “Tell tale”. Detects small usage & leaks

C Four “clock” dials at bottom of meter, register starting from right, hundreds of litres, tens of litres, litres & tenths of litres.

Example 3

meter 3






A Black numbers on white background register kilolitres Red numbers
on white background register hundreds of litres, tens of litres & litres.

B “Tell tale”. Detects small usage & leaks. 20 revolutions per litre.

Example 4

Meter 4






A White numbers on black background register kilolitres.

B Red numbers on black background register hundreds of litres & tens
of litres.

Reading Common Domestic Meter:

  • The following are common domestic meters
  • 1000 litres = 1 Kilolitre (in 2008 it cost approx $1.86 per Kilolitre)
  • Meters are read from left to right
  • If the meter has a ‘Tell Tale’ (Example 2 & 3) – this helps to pick-up small usage and leaks

Property Owner Responsibilities

As the owner and occupier you are responsible for all services and usage charges. The user pays system of billing provides the property owner
with control over their account. If you own a separately metered rental property you are responsible for payment of the water, sewerage,
drainage and parks service charges. The tenant is responsible for the
water usage and sewage disposal charges. A separate quarterly account
will be sent to you.

Under the water Industry Act and in line with Residential Tenancy Guidelines, property owners are responsible for providing tenancy details
to the water provider in order to have tenants billed for Water Usage
and Sewage Disposal charges.

If the property is not separately metered (i.e. there may be a common meter supplying a group of flats) you are responsible for payment of
the usage charges, as well as the service charges. The usage charges
in these instances cannot be passed onto the tenant of payment.

If you continue to receive an account with the Water Usage & Sewage Disposal Charges listed, there may be a number of reasons for this.
As mentioned above, if the property is not separately metered you will continue to receive all charges for the property.

You may also be receiving these charges because your water company
may not be aware the property is tenanted.

Water supply and sewage service maintenance is the property owner’s responsibility. This includes anything on your side of the meter or up
to the connection with our sewer branch (usually inside the property boundary).

Reading your water meter – Business

The volume of water you use is measured by a water meter. Depending
on the layout of your business site, the meter may be located inside or outside your premises.

In an emergency the flow of water can be stopped by turning off the stop tap/valve

Therefore it is important that you know the location of your water
meter, and that you ensure it is accessible for our meter readers to read
on a regular basis.

Knowing how to read your meter and taking regular readings can be
a useful way to detect leaks within your property. By detecting leaks
early and arranging repairs you will use less water and save money.

Below is a diagram of a typical large business water meter. Your meter assembly may or may not be as complex as this. You may or may not
have a dedicated meter for your individual premises. In the case of shopping centres and body corporate developments many buildings
may share a common meter.

Meter Diagram



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