When Leonardo DiCaprio won the Oscar this year, he used his acceptance speech to draw attention to several things he considers important – climate issues, change in temperature and a lack of snow in this world. All of these, he says, are already present in our time and there is little we can do to prevent them, but make the consequences of our past mistakes less harmful. Finally, he states that this planet should not be taken for granted – but that is not something a lot of people understand. And one of the problems that arises from this attitude is lack of fresh tap water in a number of places in the world. Due to that, millions are forced to use water filters – and, if you happen to be one of them, these are the choices you have.
Not having hot water for an evening shower sound like a major problem after a long and exhausting day, but it is literally nothing compared to the water problems people around the world face. Towns, regions, countries and even continents are left without fresh tap water because the liquid that comes out of their taps could not be labeled as “fresh” nor “water”. Moreover, an increasing number of people is experiencing a total lack of water, so the problem concerns both quantity and quality. While many think that undeveloped countries are the only ones fighting the battle, this could not be further from the truth. Yes, it may be the case today, but, in a decade or two, this will change. It is projected that by 2040, even wealthy countries like Qatar and United Arab Emirates will be dealing with serious water struggle as well. Therefore, living in a water-rich region today does not mean that it will stay that way in the future, so you should start learning about water filters as soon as possible.
The secret behind these filters is the process of reverse osmosis assisted by a special membrane that captures harmful substances. Most of these are plutonium and arsenic, but RO filters are also effective against agriculture elements that are often found in tap water, and solid particles as well. Ultimately, they minimize the presence of sugar, salt and bacteria, we learn from Sydney-based online suppliers of water filters.
However perfect reverse osmosis filters sound, they have a drawback – the price. When installed for the first time, these filters might be costly, but are genuinely worth every penny. They ensure almost complete water purity and will keep you and your family safe every single day, and that is something you cannot put a price on. And the more you use them, the cheaper they become!
Even though these filters may look unusual and rather peculiar at first, they are easy to install and quite efficient. They can successfully protect you against various sorts of bacteria found in the tap water – and even against those you never knew existed! The way UV filters work is by focusing on the DNA of the bacteria and attacking their core structure. By preventing them from reproducing, they lower the number of hazardous microorganisms. While many supporters advocate these filters’ practicality and easy maintenance, there are a few setbacks. Thought they manage to fight off the majority of threats, so lead, cadmium and other kinds of materials still get through it and into your body. That is why UV filters are to be used with caution, or in combination with the aforementioned RO filters.
Whichever filter you choose, keep in mind that you must maintain it properly if you want to make sure it works as it should. If possible, get both of these and make them run at the same time – the UV filter will take care of the dirty work, while the RO filter will handle the fine details, leaving your tap water completely safe.
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