Before COVID-19 as a plumber, we knew we had to be careful when it came to bacteria and viruses but we didn’t really think of the risks. It was just our everyday duty to clear clogs and deal with peoples fixtures, toilets and so much more. At Mr. Mike’s Plumbing, we have always cared about the health and safety of our plumbers and clients abs wore gloves, etc but we tend to forgot just how important it is. Now come to 2020, it on the top of our minds to ensure that we practice so much sanitizing including our tools, work areas and wearing masks, and continuing to wear gloves. We were good at being clean before but moving forward even once COVID-19 is no longer a worldwide concern we will be following some of these COVID guidelines to further protect our Mr. Mike’s Plumbing team but most of all the families in Calgary and surrounding areas that we serve.
Couple main key points to follow:
- Wearing gloves throughout the job but especially whenever near something that can have bacteria on it.
- Wearing masks.
- Sanitizing work areas with proper cleaning supplies before starting work and after.
- Wearing proper clothing.
- Wash hands for 30 seconds when possible if not apply hand sanitizer.
- If you want more information please check the Alberta government health guideline and ask the experts what to do to make sure your safe and following proper precautions.