Air Quality Concerns Addressing Allergies and Pollutants in Calgary Homes
Guide to Indoor Air Quality: Allergies and Pollutants in Calgary Homes
August 18, 2024
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Air Conditioning Troubleshooting for Calgary Summers

Air Conditioning Troubleshooting Calgary

Are you feeling the heat yet in Calgary? With our hot, sunny summers, a well-running air conditioning system is essential to keep you and your family comfortable. Unfortunately, Calgary’s harsh climate can put a strain on your HVAC (heating, ventilation, air conditioning) system and your AC might break down just when you need it the most. Your air conditioner needs regular maintenance to run efficiently. When you run into issues, it’s time to do some troubleshooting.

Air Conditioning Troubleshooting and their Solutions

1. Make Sure Your Thermostat is Set Correctly

The first step when troubleshooting your AC unit is to make sure your thermostat is set correctly.  Yes, this may seem obvious, but mistakes happen more often than you’d think. When transitioning from winter to summer, make sure you change your heat setting to cool and adjust your thermostat to suit your preference. If your AC isn’t turning on, it could be a sign of a thermostat malfunction.

2. Check Your Home (Windows, Doors, Registers)

Again, this may seem obvious but, before you assume there is an issue with your AC, look around your home to make sure there isn’t anything impeding its cooling process. For example, many homeowners leave their windows open during the spring. Leaving windows or doors open allows warm air from outside to enter your home, making your AC work overtime to cool the air. Also check your registers to ensure they are open, clean, and unobstructed by furniture.

3. Clean Your Air Filters

Dirty air filters are one of the most common causes of air conditioning problems. Clean your air filter by turning off your AC and removing the filter. Typically, AC filters are located inside the air handler in your attic or basement, or in return ducts in the wall, floor, or ceiling. You may need to use a screwdriver to open the unit. Use a vacuum to gently remove any debris before washing thoroughly with soap and water or soaking the filter in a solution of one part water and one part vinegar for about an hour. Rinse, and allow the filter to dry completely before returning it to your AC unit. You should aim to clean your filters every one to three months.

4. Check the Outdoor Component of your AC

Don’t forget to check your outdoor AC unit (called the condenser). Over time, weeds, dirt, leaves, grass, or other debris can build up on your condenser, resulting in inefficient cooling within your home. Move away any noticeable debris surrounding your unit. You can clean your condenser coils by spraying the unit with a garden hose. In the case of excessive dirt, you can purchase a cleaning agent from a hardware store, formulated specifically to work on AC coils. Read all instructions on the label and always use a gentle hose setting to avoid damage to your condenser coils.

5. Check for Low Refrigerant

Refrigerant is a crucial component of your AC system, pulling heat and humidity out of the air. Ice accumulation on refrigerant lines, copper tubing, or evaporator coils are all signs that your unit is low on refrigerant. When this ice melts, water can puddle up near your furnace. You may need to add more refrigerant, or low refrigerant may be due to a leak in your system. If you suspect your air conditioner is low on refrigerant, turn off your unit and call a professional HVAC technician. For reliable Air Conditioning services in Calgary, a professional can ensure your system is functioning correctly and efficiently.

6. Check Your Circuit Breaker

If your AC suddenly stops working, it may have tripped the circuit breaker. Check the AC breaker on your electrical panel and turn it off and on again. If the AC still doesn’t work, you may need to replace the fuse. If the breakers and fuse still aren’t working, you may want to call an electrician to be safe.

7. Check for Leaks

Small levels of condensation around your air conditioner are normal, but standing or pooling water is never a good sign. If water is leaking from your air conditioning unit, turn off the AC right away to avoid costly water damage. These leaks are most likely caused by a clogged drain line. Your AC’s condensate drain line is responsible for draining excess moisture away from your system. Once clogged, moisture builds up and spills over the drain pan. You can try troubleshooting your drain issue with a wet/dry vacuum to see if that removes the clog and stops the leak. If not, it’s time to call a professional.

Check for Leaks

8. Schedule Regular AC Maintenance 

Your central air conditioning system will operate more efficiently if it’s regularly serviced by an HVAC professional. Annual preventative maintenance includes a thorough inspection of the system, professional cleaning of components, and replacement of any worn-out parts. This reduces the chances of an all-out breakdown, extends the life of your unit, and ensures your AC is running as efficiently as possible.

If you’ve tried troubleshooting your AC without success, it’s time to call a professional in Calgary.  Schedule your appointment with Mr. Mike’s Plumbing and AC Services.